Rebecca Barbucia's first suggestion to Egon Schiele Style.
I personally admire Egon Schiele style of art. I find it fascinating how these nude figures portrayed loneliness, emptiness and melancholy rather than being fulfilled by sexuality.
"He is mere skin and bone, not yet fully there as a person. He has outlined his body with a glowing line of white to indicate to us both his sense of imprisonment and his limitations: notice how his arm disappears almost at the elbow-- yet paradoxically it also suggests growth and potential. He is an unhappy, scrawny youth, the wild and exaggerated expanse of pubic hair perhaps indicating the center of his unhappiness. It may seem too individualistic a view, yet in his hysterical way he is expressing the fears and doubts of many young people. He is wonderful, unsettling, and strangely innocent."
I would like to make my own adaptation using Schiele's style and embed it together with my character from Yellow Balloon. It's exactly the style I had in my mind when I was visualising the story in my head.